Menu Boards

Price from $295 $195

Your menu board can make a big difference in a customer’s first impression about your restaurant. Menu boards, like all of your restaurant signs, play an important role in establishing your brand identity and in boosting your bottom line. Simply highlighting a high-profit daily special on your menu board can drive sales and increase your take.



When it comes to restaurant signage, and menu boards in particular, today’s restaurateurs have far more options than ever — from simple chalk board menus that are filled in free hand by the shop owner, to fully digitally printed designs (with or without food images). Once you've chosen the best style for your business, there are still more options, including a variety of sizes, materials, colors and type faces. Finding a menu board that makes the right statement about your business and that allows you to change prices and items easily is key. 


Menu Board Pricing

Width (cm) Height (cm) Standard Price SPIKEY Price
100 100 $295 $195 
100 200 $450 $350 
100  400  $795 $550

Price based on:

- 15mm PVC Mounted Panels 
- Digital print design, plain chalk board vinyl, or combination of both
- Standard mounts for 4 corner mounting.

All prices exclude GST.
Please contact for special orders or discounts.


 General Specification